Transform Your English in 60 Days: Conquer the IELTS Speaking & Writing Tests with Our Proven Path to Success!

The IELTS test is a difficult obstacle to overcome. It is not just about speaking English well; it is about using it in unfamiliar and challenging ways. You will face difficult questions and significant time constraints. Without the right preparation, achieving your goals of studying abroad, landing a high-paying job, or moving to a new country might seem like an impossibility. The right support can make all the difference.

Welcome to Wordcraft Publishing, a website that offers a series of asynchronous lessons dedicated to helping students prepare for their IELTS speaking and writing exams. What separates us from other IELTS material online is that you will have the chance to have your speaking and writing assessed by a professional teacher with detailed feedback provided. The lessons contain the following:

  • A 10-minute introductory video with added subtitles and visual aids.
  • Exercises based on established coursebooks and original content.
  • Authentic audio clips embedded for listening exercises.
  • An opportunity to submit one of the IELTS writing tasks, or record your own audio clips for one of the IELTS speaking tasks at the end of each lesson.
  • Personalised feedback after each submitted task.

...and who is that professional teacher? That's me. My name is James, English teacher & founder of Wordcraft Publishing:

I come from England and I bring 14 years of valuable experience teaching English globally, including exam and university preparation. 

On my IELTS Speaking and IELTS Writing courses, I will not only be your teacher, but also your mentor, offering personalised feedback to ensure your success. With a master's degree in Professional Development for Language Education and prestigious qualifications like the Cambridge Delta and Trinity CertTESOL, I believe that I am the right person to help you with your IELTS preparation.

So what makes our asynchronous courses different from live lessons? Well, 'asynchronous' means: '(of teaching or learning) involving students working separately at different times, for example using recorded lessons or the internet, rather than involving students and teacher taking part in a lesson all at the same time’ (Cambridge Dictionary). Basically, our lessons are not live, but they follow a typical classroom structure ending with personalised feedback on your speaking and writing samples.

...and what are the benefits of this type of teaching? Well I created these courses for my master's degree shown above. My findings and feedback from my students highlighted the following advantages:

  • Before you share your work, the introductory videos and exercises prepare you for what you need to produce to achieve a higher band score.
  • You can work at your own pace at times convenient to you without having to worry about time zone differences.
  • When you record yourself for the speaking tasks, you have the chance to self-correct before posting your work.
  • Both spoken and written feedback on your work is provided for better understanding.
  • Feedback can be replayed multiple times and you can listen to your own recordings again or revisit your writing to see exactly what you need to improve.
  • You can play the recordings and feedback of other students to help you with your own answers.
  • Minimal Wi-Fi connections are adequate to work through the course.
  • You can communicate with other students on the course via the Community Wall.
  • Although Face-to-face lessons can be good, they become expensive over time.
  • No need to commute.

In addition, our courses are currently under half the price of the official IELTS provider's cheapest online course. Students therefore benefit from a cheaper, yet quality alternative. This is a core tenet of Wordcraft Publishing's mission to create more accessible language education worldwide.

We offer two separate 30-day courses; the IELTS Speaking Course and the IELTS Writing Course.

For a much more detailed explanation of how the courses work, please watch the video below. This video, along with all videos on this site, can be viewed with English subtitles and in full HD. Information on the IELTS Speaking Course starts at 1:47 and information on the IELTS Writing Course starts at 14:05.

If you would like to see more before buying, the 10-minute introductory videos can be seen for free on YouTube: However, to make the most out of the courses, you will need to pay for access to the exercises and the interactive feedback.

Take action today, and improve your English in 30-60 days or less. Spaces are limited, so do not miss your chance. The buttons below will lead you to our secure payment platform, Stripe. When your payment for your chosen course is successful, you will receive an email with the next steps while your profile is being created.

N.B. It is not possible to enrol on more than one course at a time. If you buy both courses, you will have to wait 1 month for the first course to expire before joining the other one. Also, it can take up to 24 hours to create your membership. If you haven't received a email confirming your membership within 24 hours of buying a course, please contact us at

By purchasing one of our courses, you confirm that you have read and accepted the terms of service, which includes our privacy policy.

  • IELTS Speaking Course - Was £120, Now Only £60! (Limited Time 50% Discount) for 1 month of access.
  • IELTS Writing Course - Was £120, Now Only £60! (Limited Time 50% Discount) for 1 month of access.


Kuralay, Kazakhstan“There is no feedback on the other IELTS sites from a teacher, outside of live lessons. Here I got both spoken and written feedback which was very good. Face-to-face feedback can be forgotten, but this feedback can be replayed. Also, this course is convenient because you can work on the tasks at any time. You don’t have to travel anywhere or meet someone at a particular time”.

Junko, Japan:  “The recording task made me a bit nervous at first, but I felt my progress each time. And James’s feedback is so encouraging and I like to listening to it”.

Jose, Colombia“The content chosen for each lesson is extremely useful and the different content presented are aspects that if well understood can make a difference when speaking”.

Alibek, Kazakhstan“The (asynchronous method) is efficient because when you record yourself, you have a chance to play your recording and the feedback you get on it multiple times. Listening to your recording again helps to avoid doing the same mistakes in future”.

Gabi, Brazil“The language points that were chosen for the course are very useful for the IELTS exam. The way they are displayed in steps is very logical”.

Ivanka, Peru“The way I received feedback on this course was better than face-to-face feedback, because I could check it weeks later. It’s also nice to see the work and feedback of other students on the platform too”.

Juan Carlos, Colombia“The feedback given on the final tasks is very personalised. This isn’t always the case in normal classes because the teacher doesn’t always have time to give the whole class very detailed feedback”.

Marina, Kazakhstan“This course exceeded my expectations, not just because of the practice, but also the new language that was introduced in every lesson in the videos and exercises”.

Rafael, Brazil“I really like the convenience of this course, I can do it from anywhere on my laptop or even my phone. The quality and structure of the course really stand out”.

Maria, Mexico“Listening to the pronunciation and answers given by the other students and listening to their feedback was helpful for my own preparation for the tasks”.